This question was posed in a comment on another blog and I gave the poster what I thought was a reasonable, intelligent answer, which I plan to expand upon here.
First and foremost, the right to defend one's self is inherent and inalienable (some would say God-given). This right is protected (not granted) by our bill of rights. This is something that many people, even gun owners don't always understand. If something is a right, by its very nature, it cannot be granted or taken away by a mere piece of paper. Your right to speak as you wish would still exist even if the bill of rights did not. The bill of rights exists to protect these rights from being infringed upon by our government. It is yet another check wisely placed by the founding fathers upon our leaders to (hopefully) ensure they didnt get too power hungry. Whether the bill of rights has been successful in maintaining our ability to exercise all our rights is debateable, but for the most part, I think it has.
Secondly, as free individuals, you should not need a reason to buy anything. Suppose you went to a restaurant and the waiter asked you to provide a reason why you needed the hamburger you are ordering. You would probably either laugh in his face or become angry, because you are aware (or at least should be aware) that in a free society, you are able to purchase things independant of need. Maybe the person who buys a gun had his or her life threatened. Maybe he or she wants to go hunting, or target shooting. Maybe he or she simply wants to own a gun for no reason at all. It doesnt matter.
Thirdly, the practical reality is that there is crime in this world, and you can either be a victim or you can do something to protect yourself. Though the newspapers dont always report on successful use of firearms for self defense, they happen more often than you might be aware of. If you choose to be a victim, thats your decision; just please dont attempt force your decision upon me. I dont try to shove a gun in anyones hand, dont try rip one out of mine.
Someone (I dont remember who) once said "you rarely need a gun, but when you need one, you need it bad." It is entirely possible for a gun owner to go his or her entire life without drawing or firing it in self defense. I would love it if that was the case with everyone, but it isnt, and probably wont ever be.